A safe, intimate container for those curious to explore new realms with the help of a plant medicine ceremonialist and professional psychedelic integration coach.
Private Plant Medicine Ceremonies
There’s a nagging voice in your head
telling you there’s more.
More joy.
More peace.
More depth.
More fulfillment.
Because being “fine” is just not good enough.
But you don’t know how to get there.
You’ve tried everything, but the void won’t go away.
Imagine there was a place to unlock your joy and feel fully alive again.
A place beyond your imagination and everything you’ve tried so far.
A place where you discover the missing piece.
A place where you rediscover your purpose.
A place where you fully become who you came here to be.
A place so deep within yourself you have to take the road less traveled.
The Journey to…
Awaken Joy
A Guided Private Psychedelic Journey to Breakthrough Your Fears, Ignite Joy and (Re)discover Your Purpose
Awaken Joy is a guided psychedelic experience using Heart Medicine and psilocybin – commonly known as magic mushrooms – that takes place in Costa Rica under the supervision of Psychedelic Guide and Integration Coach Odette Peek. It is embedded in a multiple-week support container that will guide you through a profound awakening.

Ready already?
How It Works
The Roadmap for Your Psychedelic Journey
An in-depth consultation and comprehensive assessment to minimize health risks and get you ready for your journey
3 x 1:1 calls with Odette
A private in-person 1-day retreat guided by Odette in Costa Rica
A 2-week support container to guide you through the transformations post-ceremony
2 x 1:1 calls with Odette
What Will Happen in Each Phase
The goal of this phase is to get to know you in-depth, get clear on your individual situation in regards to your physical, emotional and mental health so we can ensure a safe journey.
A comprehensive health assessment, lifestyle audit, and family history to develop a custom plan, incl. a supplement protocol to support your physical and mental body, lifestyle recommendations, and practices that will prepare you for the day
A personalized assessment and protocol that takes all existing medication and supplements into account, such as antidepressants, anti-anxiety meds, pain medication etc.
An in-depth consultation and exploration of your personal circumstances, relationships, past experiences (traumas or challenges) and story to set a specific healing intention for your journey
Personalized resource recommendations that will prepare you mentally, physically, and emotionally for a life-changing experience
Your 1-day private retreat will take place in Costa Rica. Depending on your location and circumstances, this can happen either in the comfort of your own home (or place you are staying) or a private space provided by Odette
You will be guided throughout the day so you can experience your psychedelic journey in a safe and comfortable setting
You’ll find an example day for a private journey outlined below
Ceremony Day
Your Psychedelic Journey
Your experience will be customized to your individual needs – here’s an example of what a 1-day retreat with me can look like.
9.00am – Arrival in the Space
- Getting comfortable in the space with cushions and blankets to support your body and mind as you relax
- Clearing the surrounding energy and grounding exercises
- Intention setting & opening prayers
- Making sure all your needs are met, and you feel safe and ready
10.00am – Opening of the Ceremony
- Receiving of your first medicine dose
- Beginning of your journey
- Support through music specifically curated
- Individual compassionate support from Odette as needed
12.30pm – Check-In
- Receiving of your second medicine dose
- Individual compassionate support from Odette as needed
4.00pm – Reflection Time
- The medicine journey will come to an end
- A light snack will be provided
- 1:1 reflecting on your experience with Odette
- Discuss starting points for your integration work
5.00pm – Closing of the Day
Integration is key to making the most out of your psychedelic journey. You might feel whole and complete after your journey, but the real transformation happens as you implement your learnings into your day-to-day life.
Planting the seeds for a rejuvenated and enriched life that will bring you sustained joy and purpose every single day
How to implement new habits and behaviors to avoid falling back into old patterns and mindset traps after you return to normal life
Navigating triggers with your new-found learnings and nervous-system practices that will help you stay calm and regulated
It’s time to take care of the most important person on your journey back
to joy: YOU.
$2300 USD
Depending on your individual needs, extra costs for travel and private space might apply.
What’s Included in Your Package
- Preliminary in-depth consultation
- A comprehensive health and family history assessment and lifestyle audit
- Personalized resource recommendation
- Custom plan
- 3 x 45-min calls with Odette before your journey
- The 1-day retreat on the day of your journey
- The medicine as well as snacks and water on the day
- 2 x 45-min integration calls with Odette post-journey
- Defining new protocols
- Voice, text, and email support as needed
What’s Not Included
Air travel to Costa Rica
A retreat space in case that is required
Extra Support for Those Who Need It
Extra support for anyone on medication or a more complex medical/emotional situation who will need to take additional steps to be ready for a psychedelic journey.
I will assess your individual situation on our introduction call and make a recommendation.
+$895 USD
Extra support for those who want more guidance implementing the changes in their day-to-day life and are committed to their journey of transformation.
+Starting at $895 USD
For those wanting even more of a reset on all levels of body, mind, and spirit, there is an option to upgrade your experience to a multi-day retreat. This can include:
- Additional medicine journeys
- Stay at a private villa or retreat center
- Additional healing ceremonies (i.e. Sound Healing, Cacao Ceremony – TBD Based on Availability)
- Bodywork and wellness practices
- Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness
- Private chef
Custom Packages starting at $5000
Please mention “Upgrade” in the comments section when you send through your application if you are interested in a custom VIP package.
Free Audio Series: An Integrative Meditative Program that uses the Power of Hypnosis
It’s a simple, effective process to help you process emotions as they arise so you can navigate difficult situations without having to resort to coping mechanisms such as numbing, medication, recreational drugs, or getting stuck in negative loops of self-judgment, negative self-talk, self-sabotage, or conflicts in relationship with others.
Private ceremonies are often booking months in advance, so if you’re feeling a pull, put your application through today.
By applying, you’re not committing to booking a private ceremony. Applications are screened, and you will receive a private invitation for an introduction call.
This is Your Call if …
You’re ready to stop feeling just ‘fine’ and start experiencing purpose and joy.
- You are ready to find the missing piece.
- You have a purpose in this lifetime, and you’re willing to face your fears to find it.
- You are ready to stop being in your own way and start tapping into the depth of life and purpose.
- You’re done numbing out like everyone around you and ready to go all in.
Your Guide
Feel safe in the hands of someone who has walked this path many times.

Hi, I’m Odette Peek.
As a Psychedelic Integration Coach and Plant Medicine Ceremonialist, I help people experience the benefits of plant medicine in a safe environment. I individualize your experience based on your life experiences, challenges and traumas and help you navigate your future forward. We take into consideration your current lifestyle, any medications you may have been on or are currently taking and what emotional or mental blocks are stopping you from your journey to Awaken Joy.With a degree in Clinical and Social Psychology and a Diploma in Social Service Work, decades of experience working in the social service realm (developmental disabilities, palliative and bereavement, gerontology) and as well as a business owner and business, life and mindset coach, I bring a unique, holistic lens to make your psychedelic and integration journey a life-changing experience. Plant medicine and integration has changed my life, it may help you, too.
Hear from those on the Other Side
“I’ve attended many ceremonies over the years, and working privately with Odette has been the most transformational experience I’ve ever had. I felt so held and supported that I was able to fully surrender to the process and allow myself to feel and release the deepest of emotions – the ones that were holding me back from truly living my life.”
Mary P.
“Odette has helped me more than any other coach or therapist. She has a true gift and is a healer by nature. My first ceremony was extremely beautiful, magical, and intense. It felt like I was cracked open. Something significant and permanent had shifted through the experience. The integration work with Odette was key to understanding the learnings on a deeper level and starting to apply them in my life.”
Alyssa K.
Integration, integration, integration! Yes, that is the key to applying what I learned in my many journeys with Odette, in my everyday life. My life just gets better and better!
Jason P.
“If it weren’t for Odette’s gentle and loving approach, I don’t think I could have done a psychedelic journey. She made me feel so safe, that she ‘had my back’ while I was deep in my journey. Growing up, I had anxiety and depression, and crippling feelings of hopelessness. Working with Odette gave me back my hope and my life.”
Jim D.
“I never really felt good enough. I lost sight of who I was and what I really wanted. I had heard about psychedelics helping people find happiness and joy – something I desperately craved. But I was scared to try it. I never even smoked a cigarette! I was referred by a friend who worked with Odette, and I instantly felt safe when we had our first call. If it wasn’t for Odette, I am scared to think of where my life would be right now.”
Sue I.
Frequently Asked Questions
I Know You’ve Got Questions
It’s normal to have fears come up as you embark on a new journey. Once you’ve applied to work with me, any additional concerns and questions will be answered during our introduction call.
I’ve never done psychedelics. Is it safe?
Psychedelics, like any other drug, can have potential risks and side effects. However, with appropriate precautions, responsible use, and a safe environment, the risks associated with psychedelics can be minimized.
It is important to note that psychedelics should not be used casually or recreationally, but rather should be approached with respect and caution. It is crucial to use psychedelics only under the guidance of a trained and experienced professional or in a supervised medical setting, and with proper preparation and integration support.
Overall, while there are potential risks associated with psychedelics, they can be safe when used responsibly and in appropriate contexts, such as in clinical trials or under the guidance of a qualified professional. With a background in Clinical Psychology, extensive training as a Psychedelic Integration Coach, and having worked with countless clients with differing circumstances, such as mental health conditions, medications, etc., we have developed safe protocols to work with people even with more complex health-related situations.
What is psilocybin?
Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychoactive compound found in certain species of mushrooms, also known as “magic mushrooms” or “shrooms”. When consumed, psilocybin is converted in the body to psilocin, which can affect the brain’s serotonin receptors and cause a range of psychological effects, including an altered perception of time and space, changes in mood and thought, and altered sensory experiences.
These effects can vary widely depending on the individual, the dose, and the setting in which the medicine is taken. Psilocybin has been used for centuries in various cultural and religious practices, and is currently the subject of ongoing research into its potential therapeutic uses in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and addiction.
I’m on antidepressants or other medication.
Can I take part in a Psychedelic Journey?
That is a great question and one that does not have a straightforward answer. Generally, my intention is to advise you of potential risks and benefits and help you make an informed decision about the best course of action for your particular situation. Antidepressants or mood-stabilizing medications vary in their chemical compounds, their dosing, and their intended use. Using psilocybin while on medication can be safe, but there may be other contra-indications that deem the union unsafe, including a muted or enhanced effect.
Before entering into a psychedelic journey, I screen what medications or supplements you are on to see what, if any, adverse effects may be present and how to avoid them.
Medications aren’t always prescribed for their intended use, so it is important to look at the overall, holistic perspective, such as your current physical and mental health, how long you have been on meds, dosing, effectiveness (often people are on mood stabilizers for years and don’t even know if they are still effective) and, of course if you ultimately plan to wean off them.
I’ll leave you with this interesting fact: in general, mushrooms are considered to be a relatively safe medicine when used responsibly and in appropriate contexts. In fact, according to the Global Drug Survey 2020, psilocybin mushrooms were ranked as the safest drug among all substances surveyed, including alcohol and tobacco.
I’m not sure I’m ready now.
That is a typical comment I hear a lot. What is behind it is usually a lack of understanding or fear of something – often, it is a fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of… (you fill in the blank). This is normal because humans are designed for survival and not necessarily for personal growth – which often feels threatening to our instinctual nature.
The medicine does need to call to you, and it’s important to look at if you are making excuses or justifications based on your fears that are getting in the way or if there is an actual legitimate reason why now is not the right time (ie, you are pregnant). Our mind will more often than not come from fear – when in fact, there’s usually no better time than NOW.
Ask for inner guidance: is it fear, or is it love that’s talking here?
What if it doesn’t work for me?
Psychedelics are a generally safe and effective tool to be mindfully used to achieve inner growth and insight with tremendous potential for healing by rewiring your brain, creating new neurological pathways, clearing old trauma and patterns, addressing addictions, and many more.
Your individual situation and concerns will be reviewed in your application and consult call.
I’m afraid of long-term effects.
Psychedelics are not pharmacology, which has an endless list of long-term effects. Psychedelics have been used effectively for healing all types of traumas for centuries. There are no long-term effects unless there are underlying (mental) health conditions, or you are not accurately reporting medications.
What are the side effects?
One of the most well-known and well-documented long-term positive effects of psilocybin is the potential for positive changes in attitudes, mood, and behavior. Some research has shown that the use of psilocybin can lead to increased feelings of openness, creativity, and connectedness, and can be associated with positive changes in mental health, such as decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety.
What if I see something I don’t want to see?
Psychedelics will give you what you need, not necessarily what you want. They do not have you relive your trauma, but rather heal it. There are many stories of seeing visions, shapes, and hallucinations. Those things typically are wonderful to witness and aid in your healing. The key is to let go of your resistance which is why a guided ceremony with a focus on safety and personalized support is key. If you are working with a professional, you will still be lucid enough to speak, go to the bathroom, drink water, etc. – so if anything does come up for you, you have the ability to work through it and be supported by your practitioner.
What if I realize I have to face something in my life I’m not ready to do?
You still have the power of will. Psychedelics will show you what you need to see for your healing, they don’t force you to do anything. Integration support is crucial for this and means you can actively be empowered to work through what you have been shown and how to apply it to your daily life or how to let go of it.
I’ve heard about microdosing. Do you offer that?
Microdosing is the practice of taking very small, sub-perceptual doses of psychedelic substances, such as psilocybin mushrooms, on a regular basis. The goal of microdosing is not to experience a full psychedelic journey, but rather to experience the potential cognitive and emotional benefits of the medicine, without the intense experience of a larger (macro) dose. It’s designed to help you with a generalized and overall sense of well-being, creativity, heart-opening, and a feeling of oneness.
Microdosing is a protocol that is designed in such a way that it enhances your life. There are many different psychedelics that you can microdose with, and of course, this is something you should seek guidance on from an expert. More people microdose incorrectly because of what their friends are doing or what they read on the internet. If you’d like to have support with microdosing, please fill out the application form and put the word ‘microdosing’ in the comments section.
Why Costa Rica?
Costa Rica is a popular destination for people who seek spiritual and therapeutic experiences with plant medicine. It’s known for its beautiful natural scenery, including rainforests, beaches, and hot springs. It is also home to a rich biodiversity of plant species, including many that are used in traditional healing practices.
Of course, you can go on a psychedelic journey anywhere in the world. But choosing to experience your personal transformation in a beautiful, peaceful setting in nature will provide extra grounding, help you break patterns from your typical environment, and allow you to experience the healing powers of nature.
I’ve got more questions, Odette.
I know. My clients tend to be analytical and want to have ALL their questions answered. Your questions are welcome. Your next step is sending through an application and getting booked for an introduction call.
Ready to go on the journey of a lifetime?
It’s time to awaken your journey