Spiritual Alliance Blog

Are You A People Pleaser?

Are You A People Pleaser?

Are You a People Pleaser? Yikes so was I!  But the unhealthy kind! If you are a People Pleaser (PP) pleeeaassee keep reading. People pleasing is the death of our own individuality and our spirit....

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  View from my coffee shop - heaven? I hope so❤️
My Healing Journey

My Healing Journey

It was awful. On my hands and knees, my head in a bucket, barfing my guts out. Did they poison us? They must have.  Trying to lift my head out of the bucket was an impossible task, soon to leave me...

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Happy Anniversary to me!🎂

Happy Anniversary to me!🎂

Happy Anniversary to me! August marks year 1 of me living the dream by moving to Costa Rica in 2021 at the age of 54. I burned the boats! Not going to pretend that it has been all rainbows and...

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Miracles and Learning Curves

Miracles and Learning Curves

Well I've been living in Costa Rica for a month now and I got to say...it's been miraculous and a steep learning curve.  If you ever want to get to know the real YOU, move to a completely different...

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I Live Here?!

I Live Here?!

Hola! I am here and the word's "I live here' gives me the goose bumps. Quite frankly it scares the shit out of me! So these past few days I have experienced all the emotions a human being has and...

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Life Adventure Awaits

Life Adventure Awaits

  This is it folks - life adventure awaits!! it's been a while since I have posted anything - and it's a whammy. I am officially MOVING to live in Costa Rica on the 4th - tomorrow!!!. Two years...

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To Be

To Be

Crazy beautiful ocean sunsets with the waves crashing over rock- I could get used to this - as you can see! This really is the First day I felt grounded in my move to Costa Rica. One week in!...

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What is your Soul Story?

What is your Soul Story?

Ok, it’s time my dear sweet Soul Sister and Brother – time to share all of who you are with the world. A few years ago, I felt lost, and so completely unfulfilled about my life. I was stuck in old...

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My Truth

My Truth

  2020 is THE year of extreme change (change is challenging - extreme change is scary AF). It is the most bizarre and yet most profound year of my life thus far, and I am turning 54 in a few...

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How Psychedelics Can Help

How Psychedelics Can Help

  After my last blog on how psychedelics changed my life, I had quite a few ‘how did they help’ questions.🧐 We all have an inner healer that goes beyond our intuition and gut feeling....

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Are you willing to move into the next layer and face your shadows?

What would it feel like if you could let your mind go, feeling a deep sense of peace – your heart radiant and open?

What would your life be like if you were free of your shackles, your limitations, your worries, your fears?

What if you let your walls come down, your true essence bursting through…

Ready to breakthrough?

Take my 3-min quiz to find out if you are ready to go a level deeper