What would LOVE do?

I love, love, love this question. Changed my life!

It has gotten me out of so many emotional funks lately (AND it showed me just how often I found myself in a funk on a day-to-day basis – which was alarming!).

I was listening to a podcast by Michel Singer – michaelsingerpodcast.com – and he said that when we find ourselves in an emotional predicament (aka triggered by someone or something), instead of defaulting to our usual blame or complain game, ask ourselves:

What would LOVE do in this situation?

When I would ask that question to myself after a disagreement with someone, triggered by an email or text, annoyed by someone in the grocery store, or just wake up grumpy… whatever the situation was that took me out of a calm joyful state and into a negative altered state (and sometimes I was so unaware that my energy shifted), the physiological and visceral response was instantaneous.

By choosing Love over fear I would immediately feel:

  • My breathing slow
  • My heart expand – like the Grinch!
  • My blame/victim mode vanish
  • And I was left with a feeling of EXPANSION not contraction.

I would feel an openness in my overall beingness where there wasn’t one before.

There were no ‘yeah buts’, no more ‘but they’ feelings.

Coming from LOVE, we let go of the way we think something should go, be or how another should feel, think or act – just to make us feel better.

Love allows us to understand others’ perspectives and feelings, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

It is challenging to describe so I encourage you to give it a go.

I don’t have the scientific explanation for those of that may need one.

So be your own science experiment!

When we come from Love we CAN NOT come from fear, anger, blame, victimhood.

We just can’t.


  • Inspires compassion, understanding, and connection.
  • It prompts actions that promote kindness, encourage forgiveness, and foster unity, rather than retreating or reacting defensively.
  • Seeks to uplift others, create joy, and nurture relationships, prioritizing empathy and support in both good times and challenging moments.
  • Encourages honest dialogue, promoting understanding and connection rather than assumptions or silence.
  • Embraces vulnerability and the possibility of discomfort, recognizing that growth often comes from stepping outside one’s comfort zone.
  • Let’s go of grudges and past hurts, allowing healing and the potential for deeper relationships.
  • Acknowledges that things take time and understands rather than rushing to judgment or conclusions.
  • Focuses on possibilities and dreams for the future, encouraging resilience and positivity in the face of challenges.

By choosing LOVE we say no to fear.

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