Are you an over thinker, worrier or analytical?

Are you an over thinker, worrier or analytical?

For most of my 57 years I have been classified as an intense worrier and chronic over thinker – to the detriment of my mental and physical wellbeing. Is that where my auto-immune disorder came from? Maybe. I was always in my head, and you wouldn’t describe me as a...
What a retreat with me helps you do

What a retreat with me helps you do

You might already know that I am hosting a retreat in Costa Rica next month. It’s not my usual business retreats that I have done in the past – it is a retreat that is way more important than that. This retreat is for YOU. I know this is challenging, to focus solely...
Podcast – Be All of Who You Are

Podcast – Be All of Who You Are

I had the pleasure of being a guest on Kena Paranjape’s podcast called ‘Be All of Who You Are”.   Please have a listen to  the podcast as it has some beautiful messages in there on how to fully step into All of who you are gratefully and more easily. I also talk about...