My healing journey began here….

My healing journey began here….

I spent a great deal of my life anxious, overwhelmed, and unhappy. Of course, there were great moments like my university days, exploring the world through travel, the birth of both of my amazing daughters (now 26 and 24 years old). However, many of the joyous moments...
Why do people burn sage?

Why do people burn sage?

Ever wondered why people burn sage? Burning sage, also known as smudging, is a practice that has been used for centuries by various cultures around the world. The ritual of burning sage is often performed during ceremonies, meditation, or when moving into a new space...
Self-Care is Not a Luxury, it is a Necessity

Self-Care is Not a Luxury, it is a Necessity

The fast paced life can make you constantly anxious and on the move, never taking time to take a breathe and just relax. But it’s important to remember that self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity. Taking the time to unwind and recharge is crucial for your...
The Fear of Unpredictability

The Fear of Unpredictability

Isn’t it absolutely terrifying when the course of your life becomes utterly unpredictable and planning goes out the window? The fear of living in the unknown can be paralyzing. However, isn’t that the very essence of life? The thrill of not knowing what...